Sharps Disposal

Improperly or accidentally mishandling disposals in homes and medical offices can pose a hazardous threat. This includes not using the proper containers, not sealing them properly, or not disposing of them in the designated areas. Such mishandling can lead to injuries, infections, and the spread of diseases, potentially causing detrimental consequences to individuals and the community.

The Berwyn Public Health Clinic offers a valuable service for the safe disposal of syringes and other sharps. You can drop off your used sharps, which must be in a solid, plastic container, at its designated drop-off point. This service is exclusive to Berwyn residents. COMMERCIAL DROP-OFFS ARE NOT ALLOWED. The BPHC aims to promote public health and safety, which is a community effort that all residents are expected to participate in and cooperate with.

Contact Information


Township of Berwyn
6600 West 26th St
Berwyn, IL 60402

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